I looked at some more aprtments today and I found two in the same building that I like alot. One is a studio aprtment with a fold down bed and another is a one bedroom with a fold out bed in the living space for guests.. We talked them down to 1050 a month for the one bedroom but I still have to pay one month commission to the realtor who showed me the apartment. Its the total opposite in the US where the owner is the one who pays for the realtor to get him a tenant.. Its friggin backwards here.. Why should I pay them?? lol Amazing.. The owner doesnt have to pay for the service of screening a tenant filling out the forms? Thats what I had to do when I rented out my places.. Shhesh.. Hopefully I will have a more permanent place that has more amenities then whee I am now.. I want to set up my cintiq and be able to get a good base of food for cooking and feel like a home.. right now I feel like I am in a motel!!
I was schooled to day in spanish lip sync.. ONe of the animators (Ignacio)was gracious enough to actually video himself saying the dialog so I could see what the mouth shapes might look like.. I was a bit taken a back when they said my lipsync didnt feel like Spanish.. lol but I am sure the same thing happens when someone from another country who doesnt speak English starts a dialog scene At Dreamworks.. Except for Philippe Lebrun, a french animator at DW who still has a very thick french accent but manages to hit it right.. Philippe has been at DW for over tn years. "Fede" and Marion translated the dialog for me. I ask them to first translate it literally , then what it means in English. then I have to be able to parse out the words when I listen to the dialog on my head phones. Let me tell you its no easy task!!.. I am getting better at it and should beup to speed in no time..
I am still abit apprensive of going out on my own and just hanging out.. Even ordering a pizza at themany cafes and restaurants seems daunting.. I hope to hang out with Johnny the only other American guy at the studio and get used to being the foreigner..
Hasta Luega
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